Here you will find a selection of what I have been up to recently. You can also keep up to date on my social media (links on the menu bar).
Spending my first Christmas away from the UK in Botswana was quite an experience, and luckily there were lots of great wildlife sightings. Since December is the wet season it can make game a little trickier to find, but the bird life more than makes up for this with an abundance of beautiful and colourful species to photograph.
I have been longing to photograph Namibia for a number of years, and finally at the start of 2023 flew out for 3 weeks of adventure, exploring and shooting. I hired a vehicle with full camp setup so could be quite flexible on where I stayed and when (January is low-season for Namibia due to the heat).
Though it was hot, I was blown away by the landscapes. The diversity of places to photograph was quite surprising - it isn’t all just sandy dunes!
One reason for the trip was to check out an itinerary for Mc2 Photography photographic holidays so keep an eye for details on that soon! For now here’s a small selection of my favourite shots (click for a larger view on any image).
After a couple of years of delay due to COVID I finally got back to the south of Botswana for 10 days of relaxing and wildlife watching. The camera always comes with me of course, and I had also hoped to get some filming done for our Youtube Show, Photography Online. The piece was going to focus on African wild dogs, but with only one brief encounter there was just wasn’t the opportunity to get enough done.
I may have only had one chance with the wild dogs (above) but it was incredibly special to see these rare animals, especially with a big group of healthy puppies. It was the jackals, pictured left, that stole the show. Usually shy and reclusive, I enjoyed good views of both lone jackals and also a huge family group right near camp. By huge, I mean in the region of 11 or 12!
Rhino are not common through Botswana so it is always a treat to find some. Fortunately the reserve I visit has 5 white rhino currently, with more on the way.
Show me one photographer that doesn’t want to capture rollers - beautiful!
Lastly, have you really been to Africa if there wasn’t a lion??