Golden eagles are the epitome of Scotland’s wild places. At the top of the food chain they are formidable predators, and, being shy and reclusive makes them sought-after photography targets.
The Isle of Skye is one of the best (if not the best) place to stand a chance at getting close to these incredible birds. I have lived on Skye for 10 years, following and photographing the islands eagle population.
Join me for a day amongst the hills where we have the opportunity to get truly wild birds flying past at eye-level. With no baiting or changing the behaviour of the birds it’s a true wildlife photography experience.
£300 per day - covers up to two participants.
An eagle workshop runs for approximately 6-8 hours. Half-days are not available due to the time and patience required.
Eagle photography days are available year-round. Days are run to demand and privately booked.
Wildlife is never guaranteed. However, at the handful of locations I use to see eagles I operate a success rate of around 90%.
This day is only suited to those with a reasonable level of fitness. To get to the best shooting locations an uphill walk on steep terrain is required, often near steep edges.
What camera gear do I need?
A good quality DSLR or mirrorless camera with fast autofocus capabilities is best. A telephoto lens, minimum focal length of 400mm is usually recommended - 500 or 600mm is ideal. Canon telephoto lenses can be hired on request, along with camera if needed. No tripod is necessary if you are comfortable hand-holding your telephoto lens. A pair of binoculars is also great to enjoy views of eagles and other wildlife you may see.
I’m worried I’m not fit enough!
Whilst I recommend a good level of fitness for these days don’t panic. While the walking is uphill we are never in a rush and as a privately led day the pace is set around you. Expect to walk for around 1 hour (but it can be more depending on the eagle’s activity). The best viewpoints are usually near to to large drops so if you have any concerns about heights or vertigo please contact me for a chat.
Are there any ‘facilities’ available?
There will be no access to public toilets or conveniences while out photographing.
What should I wear?
Camouflage clothing is not necessary - the eagles at locations are used to seeing people on the hills so no special equipment is needed. I often recommend darker neutral colours as opposed to fluorescent yellow or red! Skye’s climate is incredibly variable, so be prepared to be out in wind, rain and everything in between. Depending on the time of year you may need thermals, hat, gloves etc - common sense prevails here, if you feel the cold please bring extra layers. Supportive walking boots are the best footwear choice, please don’t wear trainers - paths can be muddy, and much of the time we won’t be following them at all. Shooting locations are on exposed hillsides so generally expect to feel the cold after standing still for a couple of hours. Waterproof clothing is an essential on any day.
Welfare over photography.
The welfare of the animals we aim to capture always comes first. That means if at any point Harry thinks you may disturb or distress the subject just to obtain a photograph then the animal comes first, even if it means missing out on a shot. Thankfully with an experienced guide this very rarely happens but please listen and follow any instructions given.
What time of year is best?
Eagles can be found and photographed all throughout the year. They are resident in territories around the island and do not migrate. Whilst there’s no real peak in behaviour or success of sightings the slightly shorter days of winter and spring can be very productive as the birds head towards the breeding season.
Where do we go?
All eagle locations used are towards the north end of Skye. Typically you’ll be asked to meet Harry in Portree at a convenient location. If you are staying in Portree, or towards the north end of the island it usually isn’t a problem for Harry to come and collect you from your accommodation.
Typically just one location will be used during the day, due to the time taken to get into position - however this is dependant on success and locations used.
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